Inspired Writings

Inspired Writings

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Love so True

A love so true,
Could it be true,
Could it truly be,
Could That be the one?

My life, always so empty,
My life, always lonely,
My life, full of pain,
My life, an empty glass,
Could you fill it?

Did I find the one,
Did I find that love,
Do you really want me,
Do you really love me?

Would you cuddle with me by the fire,
Would you kiss and hug me after a hard days work,
Would you let me be your comfort as well,
Would you let me be your one and only?

I remain true to you as you do to me,
I would provide for the family you give me,
I would return your love,
I would love you through all,
This is a love so true.

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